balenaCloud can be used to view Zoneminder Console
Balena is a latest opensource container-based platform for deploying IoT applications.
For the details please refer the following link
The balena is well designed to accommodate docker repositories.
The objective of this tutorial is self explanatory by the heading .
In order to simplify the procedure , the tutorial has been broken to three steps and described by three posts . Two posts have already published previously
The following are the main steps followed.
- Installing qemu and creating a qemu virtual machine with balenaOS on a computer with UBUNTU 20.04 operating system . Then connect the qemu device (qemu virtual machine with balenaOS) to balenaCloud
Please refer the following post to get the details
How to use a balena-cloud image in qemu emulator on UBUNTU 20.04 LTS ( Focal Fossa)
2. Install balena blena CLI on the computer with UBUNTU 20.04 operating system to interact with the balenaCloud and push balena Dash to the qemu VM mentioned in step 1 above . balena Dash helps to display any web page with a lightweight web browser.
Please refer the following post to get the details
3. Install bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-php7.4-mysql8 on the qemu virtual machine (qemu_zm) mentioned in the step 1 & 2 above . This post describes the procedure in installing docker zoneminder on the virtual machine qemu_zm using the baenaCloud.
Step 3 – installation of docker zoneminder on qemu_zm using balenaCloud
Start the VM qemu_zm using the Virtual Machine Manager

Since we are going to use the usb web camera connected to the computer , tick the camera in the window box as shown in the figure below . To get that window box press Virtual Machine button in the menu of the Virtual Machine Manager.
Logon to the balenaCloud and go to the terminal of Host OS in the balenaCloud to install docker zoneminder

Login to balena
On the terminal of Host OS shown in the Figure:-4
balena login
Note:- Use your docker hub user name and password to above login

Now we are going to pull bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-php7.4-mysql8 from docker hub
balenacreate -t -p 80:80 --shm-size=4096m --name zm --network=host --privileged=true bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-php7.4-mysql8:1.34
balenastart zm
balenaexec -t -i zm /bin/bash
(Now you will be with in the zm container. Make changes as follows) Configuring Mysql and Changing root password)
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';
(Creating zm sql data base)
mysql -uroot -p < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_create.sql
CREATE USER 'zmuser'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'zmpass';
(If CREATE does not work try with ALTER )
mysqladmin -uroot -p reload
Then edit your timezone in the system
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Then edit your timezone
Then edit your time zone at /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini
sed -i "961i date.timezone = Asia/Colombo" /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini
( ie. Asia/Colombo )
balena restart zm
Now the docker zoneminder is installation is finished .
To see the Zoneminder console , you will gave to get the Public device URL by activating red button shown in the figure 6 below on the balenaCloud panal

After pressing the red button shown in the figure 6 above , you will get the public URL of the device qemu_zm.
Go to URL and configure Zoneminder as shown in the figures below
When you add /zm to Public URL , you will get the Zoneminder panal.
Now you can configure Zoneminder as usual.
This docker zoneminder repository includes msmtp
you will have to manually create msmtprc file in /etc folder of zm container using vim as follows
balena exec -t -i zm /bin/bash
cd /etc
apt update
apt install vim
vim msmtprc
Then enter the gmail details in msmtprc and save
Please refer the following link to get the details of commands in masmtp file
How to use MSMTP as email software in Zoneminder (v1.33.14.) on Ubuntu 19.04

Using the Public URL , you can access the Zoneminder Console using a smart phone or PC . Please see the following figure
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