How to install Zoneminder-master- Docker , v1.33.16 with MSMTP on Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine)

In this tutorial ,we are going to use “Docker: Enterprise Container Platform”  ( on Ubuntu 19.10.
As , still there is on official  zoneminder issued for  Ubuntu 19.10 due dependency issues, the best option is to use docker Zoneminder  to overcome dependency problems and to avoid conflicts with the default setup of  Ubuntu 19.10
Installation of Docker on Ubuntu 19.10
On the Ubuntu terminal
sudo apt install
Then use , bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master  Docker Repository to make a container . ( This image has been created on Ubuntu 19.04 disco )

sudo docker create -t -p 8085:80 --shm-size=4096m -e TZ=Asia/Colombo --name myzm --privileged=true bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master:v1.33.16.

Note :- use your timezone instead of "TZ=Asia/Colombo"

sudo docker start myzm

For configuring MSMTP for emailing zoneminder motion detection events, please refer the following link.
Open http://localhost:8085/zm/ and add the camera monitors
And fill up email details under the Optons/email of the ZM-Panel
Create appropriate zm-filter to send email alerts of motion detection events

Screenshot from 2020-01-12 11-20-09
Figure:- 1 After adding Camera monitors to ZM

The scripts of the Dockerfile are as shown in the following figure
Screenshot from 2020-01-12 11-07-16
Figure:-2 The scripts of the Dockerfile

To download the Dockerfile
To download the
Please refer my following blog to know about the building an image and pushing to the Docker Hub
Acknowledgements : Based on Zoneminder and Andrew Bauer’s entrypoint script


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