how to use bkjaya1952/smath-studio (a docker repository of SMath Studio-0.99.7030) on Ubuntu 19.10 (eoan)
SMath Studio 0.99.7030 is a tiny, powerful, free mathematical
program with WYSIWYG editor and complete units of measurements support.
SMath Studio has features similar to Mathcad which is a commercial software.
Docker repositories are used in preset days as those can be installed easily on host machines with out interfering the default software configuration.bkjaya1952/smathstudio-docker
docker repository has been created based on following software1. SMath Studio 0.99.7030 Please refer
2. solarkennedy/wine-x11-novnc-docker – A docker repository
First I must be thankful to the following gentalman for providing their valuable resources and support to build my docker repository on Andrey Ivashov’s SMath Studio-0.99.7030
Andrey Ivashov – Owner of Studio-0.99.7030
Kyle Anderson – Owner of solarkennedy/wine-x11-novnc-docker ( I have forked his ripository to buid my repository )
Nicolas SAPA – A main contributor to solarkennedy/wine-x11-novnc-docker
Usage :-
To create a smath container (name smath) using bkjaya1952/smathstudio
Installation of Docker on Ubuntu 19.10
On the Ubuntu terminal sudo apt install
sudo docker create -t -p 8008:8080 --name smath bkjaya1952/smathstudio-docker
sudo docker start smath
xdg-open http://localhost:8008
Then the desktop will appear on the web browser
On the desktop, right click the mouse to get the fluxbox menu

To get the SMath Studio panel
On the menu go to sub menus and ckick Applications>Shells>Bash
There is an enother option
On The menu go to sub menus and click

How to change the timezone
After quitting the ivms4200
On the terminal enter
vim /etc/timezone
Then the timezone file is openedGo to the top line of the file , press insert key on your key board and enter your timezone ( ie Asia/Colombo)
Then press the Esc key and (Shift :x )to save & quit the file
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