How to Build a Zoneminder-master Docker-Image with MYSQL 8 & MSMTP

How to Build a Zoneminder-master Docker-Image with MYSQL 8 & MSMTP

We observed that most of the Linux software have compatibility problems due to dependency issues when operating systems are upgraded.  To overcome dependency issues and to avoid conflicts with the default system structure of the OS , the Docker-images play an important role.

Since the official Zoneminder eoan has Dependency wait on lgw01-amd64-051 , I thought of developing a docker-image  with MYSQL 8 & MSMTP and push to docker hub  .

This docker image is structured based on the basic concepts in my earlier post on How to install Zoneminder , ( v1.33.16.) with Mysql 8 on Ubuntu 19.10
This image is created on ubuntu:eoan  with zoneminder-master/ubuntu disco main
In the Dockerfile , Ubuntu environment used is ubuntu:eoan. deb
For Zoneminder ppa used is disco main .

Therefore libmysqlclient20 has to be installed to overcome when  zoneminder-eoan is installing on ubuntu:eoan .

When composing the zoneminder docker image , we are placing the Dockerfile, and the downloaded libmysqlclient20_5.7.27-0ubuntu0.19.04.1_amd64.deb files in the same folder .  The folder that I have used  is ~/Documents/zm-docker-d2 .  You can select any folder. Please see the Figure below.

Screenshot from 2020-01-15 08-41-44
Figure:- 1 Dockerfile, and libmysqlclient20 at the folder ~/Documents/zm-docker-d2

Installation of Docker on Ubuntu 19.10
On the Ubuntu terminal

sudo apt install

Then open the Ubuntu terminal

Go the folder where the Dockerfile , and libmysqlclient20 are placed
( Note:-
The Dockerfile  and can be copied from the following my post at GitHub   )

On the Ubuntu teminal

docker build --tag=mysql8zm . # Dockerfile

( The name tag given for the image is mysql8zm. you can give any name)

Screenshot from 2020-01-14 17-49-47


Screenshot from 2020-01-14 17-50-55.png


Now you  can see from the above figure ,the docker-image “mysql8zm” , has been created successfully.

sudo docker images

Screenshot from 2020-01-14 17-51-56

Figure:-4  The created docker-zoneminder image  “mysql8zm” after completion of compose

Tagging the image and pushing to the docker hub

first you will have to signup & open  a Docker Hub account at

Then login to the Docker Hub account
sudo docker login

sudo docker tag mysql8zm bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master-mysql8:1.33.16

sudo docker push bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master-mysql8:1.33.16

Screenshot from 2020-01-14 21-00-51

figure:- 5  Tagging  & pushing  the image to the Docker hub

Screenshot from 2020-01-14 23-43-41

Figure:- 6 The pushed bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master-mysql8:1.33.16 Repository at the Docker hub

The installation details of the docker-zoneminder-master-mysql8:1.33.16 can be obtained from the following links.


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