How to Build a Zoneminder-master Docker-Image with MYSQL 8 & MSMTP
How to Build a Zoneminder-master Docker-Image with MYSQL 8 & MSMTP
Since the official Zoneminder eoan has Dependency wait on lgw01-amd64-051 , I thought of developing a docker-image with MYSQL 8 & MSMTP and push to docker hub .
This docker image is structured based on the basic concepts in my earlier post on
This image is created on ubuntu:eoan with zoneminder-master/ubuntu disco main
In the Dockerfile , Ubuntu environment used is ubuntu:eoan. deb
For Zoneminder ppa used is disco main .
Therefore libmysqlclient20 has to be installed to overcome when zoneminder-eoan is installing on ubuntu:eoan .
When composing the zoneminder docker image , we are placing the Dockerfile, and the downloaded libmysqlclient20_5.7.27-0ubuntu0.19.04.1_amd64.deb files in the same folder . The folder that I have used is ~/Documents/zm-docker-d2 . You can select any folder. Please see the Figure below.

Figure:- 1 Dockerfile, and libmysqlclient20 at the folder ~/Documents/zm-docker-d2
On the Ubuntu terminal
sudo apt install
Then open the Ubuntu terminal
Go the folder where the Dockerfile , and libmysqlclient20 are placed
( Note:-
The Dockerfile and can be copied from the following my post at GitHub )
On the Ubuntu teminal
docker build --tag=mysql8zm . # Dockerfile
( The name tag given for the image is mysql8zm. you can give any name)


Now you can see from the above figure ,the docker-image “mysql8zm” , has been created successfully.
sudo docker images

Figure:-4 The created docker-zoneminder image “mysql8zm” after completion of compose
first you will have to signup & open a Docker Hub account at
Then login to the Docker Hub account
sudo docker login sudo docker tag mysql8zm bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master-mysql8:1.33.16 sudo docker push bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master-mysql8:1.33.16

figure:- 5 Tagging & pushing the image to the Docker hub

Figure:- 6 The pushed bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master-mysql8:1.33.16 Repository at the Docker hub
The installation details of the docker-zoneminder-master-mysql8:1.33.16 can be obtained from the following links.
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