How to sync zoneminder events with account using git-annex on Ubuntu 18.04

Our task is to find a method for linux operating systems to automatically upload zoneminder motion detection events to cloud storage.
I have 3 monitors created on zoneminder and events are stored in 3 separate storage areas. The storage details are shown in the following figure. This blog post explains how to sync events of 3 ZM monitors  with 3 folders in cloud storage.
Our task is to find a method for linux operating systems to automatically upload zoneminder motion detection events to cloud storage.
I have 3 monitors created on zoneminder and events are stored in 3 separate storage areas. The storage details are shown in the following figure. This blog post explains how to sync events of 3 ZM monitors  with 3 folders in cloud storage.
How to install git-annex on Ubuntu 18.04
on the Ubuntu terminal
sudo apt update
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kelleyk/git-annex
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git-annex
In order to use events files in git-annex,  the files at /var/cache/zoneminder/events , /mnt/sdb/zoneminder/events, and /mnt/sda3/zoneminder/events have to be given read and write permissions
On the Ubuntu terminal
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/cache/zoneminder/events
sudo chmod -R g+w /var/cache/zoneminder/events
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /mnt/sdb/zoneminder/events
sudo chmod -R g+w /mnt/sdb/zoneminder/events
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /mnt/sda3/zoneminder/events
sudo chmod -R g+w /mnt/sda3/zoneminder/events
sudo chmod -R g+w /mnt/sda3/zoneminder/events
Connecting zoneminder events to dedicated drives 
Create a config file under /etc/zm/conf.d . Name the file anything you want just as long as it ends in “.conf”. Add the following content to the file and save your changes:
(In my case I have used ajp.conf as the file name )
sudo gedit /etc/zm/conf.d/ajp.conf
and pasted following codes and  saved  the file in /etc/zm/conf.d

Please refer my earlier post to see about using dedicated drives in zoneminder
After installing  get a git-annex you will get a launcher icon on the computer
When you double click on the launcher git-annex dashboard will appear on the web browser.
Adding repository for /mnt/sdb/zoneminder/events (figure 2 to figure 8 )

          Figure :-2 Adding repository for /var/cache/zoneminder/events

Figure :- 3 Adding for /var/cache/zoneminder/events

              Figure :- 4  Adding login details for
note :- Select encryption  disable

Figure :- 5 Automatically uploading events to

                Figure :- 6  Uploaded files on annex folder in

                 Figure :- 7 Uploaded files on annex folder in

           Figure :- 8 git-annex folder on git-annex console

Figure :- 9  Adding repository for /mnt/sda3/zoneminder/events

Adding repository for /mnt/sdb/zoneminder/events (Figure 10 to figure 6)
                                                     Figure :- 10

                                                      Figure :- 11

                                                  Figure :- 12

                                                     Figure :- 13

                                                Figure :- 14

                                                          Figure :- 15
                                                          Figure :- 16
Figure :- 16 Uploaded events of 3 storage folders are  underlined in red
                                                   Figure :- 17

Figure :- 18 You can see 3 repositories on git-annex dashboard for 3 zoneminder monitors

Figure :- 19
You can see in Figure :- 19 , the git-annex daemon will start at the boot time to facilitate automatic syncing


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