
Showing posts from January, 2020

HOW TO INSTALL ZONEMINDER, v1.34.0. ON UBUNTU 19.10 (eoan), with mysql 8

HOW TO INSTALL ZONEMINDER, v1.34.0. ON UBUNTU 19.10 (eoan), with mysql 8   Today, Mr. Isaac Connor has published the  first successful Zoneminder-master-eoan  package for Ubuntu 19.10. in his website . To avoid errors when installing Zoneminder , MySQL-server is installed first. Installation of MySQL-server On the Ubuntu terminal sudo su apt install mysql-server rm /etc/mysql/my.cnf cp /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf sed -i "15i default_authentication_plugin= mysql_native_password" /etc/mysql/my.cnf /etc/init.d/mysql start   mysql   CREATE USER 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ''; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'admin'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES ; quit mysqladmin -uroot -p reload Installation of Zoneminder To install Zoneminder Please refer Connor’s web site Open the terminal and run following commands.   mysql CREATE USER 'zmuser'...

How to Build a Zoneminder-master Docker-Image with MYSQL 8 & MSMTP

How to Build a Zoneminder-master Docker-Image with MYSQL 8 & MSMTP We observed that most of the Linux software have compatibility problems due to dependency issues when operating systems are upgraded.  To overcome dependency issues and to avoid conflicts with the default system structure of the OS , the Docker-images play an important role. Since the official Zoneminder eoan has Dependency wait on lgw01-amd64-051 , I thought of developing a docker-image  with MYSQL 8 & MSMTP and push to docker hub  . This docker image is structured based on the basic concepts in my earlier post on How to install Zoneminder , ( v1.33.16.) with Mysql 8 on Ubuntu 19.10 This image is created on ubuntu:eoan  with zoneminder-master/ubuntu disco main In the Dockerfile , Ubuntu environment used is ubuntu:eoan. deb For Zoneminder ppa used is disco main . Therefore libmysqlclient20 has to...

How to install Zoneminder-master- Docker , v1.33.16 with Mysql 8 ,MSMTP on Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine)

How to install Zoneminder-master- Docker , v1.33.16 with Mysql 8 ,MSMTP on Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) January 14, 2020 B.K.Jayasundera In this tutorial ,we are going to use “Docker: Enterprise Container Platform”   ( ) on Ubuntu 19.10. As , still there is on official  zoneminder issued for  Ubuntu 19.10 due dependency issues, the best option is to use docker Zoneminder  to overcome dependency problems and to avoid conflicts with the default setup of  Ubuntu 19.10 First Installation of Docker on Ubuntu 19.10 On the Ubuntu terminal sudo apt install Then use ,  bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master-mysql8 Docker Repository to make a container . ( This image has been created on ubuntu:eoan  with  zoneminder-master/ubuntu disco main) I have created the above docker image and pushed to the Docker Hub. Figure:- bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master-mysql8:1.33.16 Repository at dockerhu...

How to install Zoneminder-master- Docker , v1.33.16 with MSMTP on Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine)

In this tutorial ,we are going to use “Docker: Enterprise Container Platform”   ( ) on Ubuntu 19.10. As , still there is on official  zoneminder issued for  Ubuntu 19.10 due dependency issues, the best option is to use docker Zoneminder  to overcome dependency problems and to avoid conflicts with the default setup of  Ubuntu 19.10 First Installation of Docker on Ubuntu 19.10 On the Ubuntu terminal sudo apt install Then use , bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master  Docker Repository to make a container . ( This image has been created on Ubuntu 19.04 disco ) sudo docker create -t -p 8085:80 --shm-size=4096m -e TZ=Asia/Colombo --name myzm --privileged=true bkjaya1952/docker-zoneminder-master:v1.33.16. Note :- use your timezone instead of "TZ=Asia/Colombo" sudo docker start myzm For configuring MSMTP for emailing zoneminder motion detection events, please refer the following link.

How to install Zoneminder , ( v1.33.16.) with Mysql 8 on Ubuntu 19.10

Since the official Zoneminder eoan has Dependency wait on lgw01-amd64-051 , We will have to install Zoneminder disco  on Ubuntu 19.10. There is a problem in the present PHP release which make errors with the “caching_sha2_password” introduced in the Mysql 8 by default . Please refer the following link Therefore , we will have to use “mysql_native_password” method in Mysql 8. First of all we will have to install mysql-server-8 on Ubuntu 19.10 and enable mysql_native_password The installation  of mysql-server-8.0 can be done using the synaptic package manager . Figure:-1 Installed mysql-server-8 shown in synaptic package manager Then open the Ubuntu terminal sudo su rm /etc/mysql/my.cnf cp /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf Then enter the following line below [mysqld] on the opened my.cnf file and save the file [mysqld] default_authentication_plugin= mysql...