
Showing posts from February, 2020

how to use bkjaya1952/smath-studio (a docker repository of SMath Studio-0.99.7030) on Ubuntu 19.10 (eoan)

SMath Studio 0.99.7030 is a  tiny, powerful, free mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor and complete units of measurements support. SMath Studio has features similar to  Mathcad which is a commercial software. Docker repositories are used in preset days as those can be installed easily on host machines with out interfering the default software configuration. bkjaya1952/smathstudio-docker docker repository has been created based on following  software 1. SMath Studio 0.99.7030       Please refer 2. solarkennedy/wine-x11-novnc-docker   –  A docker repository First I must be thankful to the following gentalman for providing their valuable resources and support to build my docker repository on Andrey Ivashov’s SMath Studio-0.99.7030 Andrey Ivashov – Owner of Studio-0.99.7030 Kyle Anderson – Owner of solarkennedy/wine-x11-novnc-docker ( I have forked his ripository to buid my repository ) ...

How to install ivms4200-linux docker image on Ubuntu 19.10 (eoan)

Now, most of the people prefer to use Linux operating systems on personal computers as those are opensource freeware with  less risk for virus attacks.  But some software developers make their software to promote  Windows platforms according to a  commercial  agenda. Most of the Hikvision camera configuration software are designed for Windows platforms. There is only one ivms4200- Linux built in the past . But this Linux version is not known to most of the people . Best thing is to use docker repositories , as those do not have dependency problems  or clash with the  operating systems of host machine. Therefore , I have created a docker repository  bkjaya1952/docker-ivms4200-linux using  solarkennedy / wine-x11-novnc-docker   as the base and uploaded to the dockerhub This image has been created based on repository solarkennedy/wine-x11-novnc-docker . This repository bkjaya1952/docker-ivms4200-linux can be used in Li...

HOW TO INSTALL ZONEMINDER, master ON UBUNTU 19.10 (eoan), with php 7.4 & mysql 8

Installation of php 7.4 sudo su apt install -y software-properties-common add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php apt update  apt -y install php7.4 Installation of Zoneminder To install Zoneminder Please refer Connor’s web site add-apt-repository ppa:iconnor/zoneminder-master apt update apt install zoneminder rm /etc/mysql/my.cnf cp /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf sed -i "15i default_authentication_plugin= mysql_native_password" /etc/mysql/my.cnf /etc/init.d/mysql start mysql CREATE USER 'zmuser'@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'zmpass'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON zm.* TO 'zmuser'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES ; quit mysqladmin -uroot -p reload sudo add-apt-repository ppa:iconnor/zoneminder-master sudo apt-get update sudo apt install zoneminder mysql -uroot -p < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_create.sql mysqladmin -uroot -p reload chmod 740 ...