
Showing posts from December, 2019

How to select and copy a latest file from a folder to another folder- Ubuntu Script

Background: Once , I had a requirement to find a method  to send email alerts with an attached video of the event ,when a motion detection is occurred in Motion Linux . According to my configuration of camera4.conf , the video clips of motion detection events are stored automatically  in a folder (motion) at ~/Videos/motion of the computer. My target was to select most resent video clip in ~/Videos/motion and to send email alert attached  with the video clip. For the purpose of easy emailing purpose  I have decided to create a sub folder called “sub” under ~/Videos/motion ( ~/Videos/motion/sub) to copy selected the latest video clip in to it. Then an Ubuntu script file was prepared to do the above two steps I have tried two methods in two alternative script files successfully ,where the details are appended below. The script files were placed at ~/Documents folder of the computer Method 1 Name of the file Scripts in are listed be...

How to make a script program to Auto-upload Motion Detection videos of Motion Linux to free ftp server DriveHQ , using Rclone and get email alerts on Ubuntu 19.04

It is assumed that the Motion Linux is installed on the Linux PC Please refer my blog on “ How to use Motion Linux 4.2.2-1 to create a CCTV system on Ubuntu 18.10 , 64 bit with a Web Cam and Hikvision IP Cam ” to get the details of installing Motion Linux A brief introduction of main  activities in this tutorial is given below. To  upload motion detection events , immediately after the occurrence , to the DriveHQ cloud , the Rclone software is used . For emailing the alert Mutt on Ubuntu is used The DriveHQ FileManager free  for Android is used to view uploaded video on the android phone The email messages  are viewed using  Aol app on the phone The following main software have to installed for above purpose Motion Linux Mutt Rclone Note :- The installation procedure of Motion Linux  and Mutt  has already being explained in detail  in the following blog post How to Email Motion Detection videos of Motion Linux( 3.2.2) using Mutt o...

A Solution to the installation problem of ZONEMINDER,v1.33.14.ON UBUNTU 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) using Mriadb instead of mysql-server-8.0

There is a problem in installing Zoneminder on Ubuntu 19.10 , as  there are no official zoneminder eoan ermine versions  issued up to now. The other problem is the presently available Zoneminder  versions are based on mysql 5.7 , libmysqlclient20  while The Ubuntu 19.10 uses mysql 8 , libmysqlclient21 by default. Therefore dependency issues crop up when you try to install Zoneminder. As mysql-server-8.0  makes some problems, I have decided to use  mariadb-server-10.3 . To overcome dependency issues in installing Zoneminder,   libmysqlclient20 has to be downloaded and installed manually before installing Zoneminder using GDebi Package Installer Please refer the following link to download libmysqlclient20 for Ubuntu  Disco Figure:- 1 installed libmysqlclient20 is shown in the synaptic After installing the deb file libmysqlclient20, Install  m...

How to Build a Zoneminder Docker Image (with MSMTP) using a Dockerfile & push to Docker Hub , (Ubuntu 19.10)

How to Build a Zoneminder Docker Image (with MSMTP) using a Dockerfile & push to Docker Hub , (Ubuntu 19.10) December 20, 2019 In this tutorial ,we are going to use “Docker: Enterprise Container Platform”   ( ) on Ubuntu 19.10. First Installation of Docker on Ubuntu 19.10 On the Ubuntu terminal sudo apt install Then a zoneminder-docker image is built using a Dockerfile and Dockerfile contains the scripts to install free open-source  software Zoneminder and has necessary commands to start Zoneminder ,Apache and other services and to keep the docker container running. I have used my own  Dockerfile and prepared  by Andrew Bauer The scripts in the Docker file are as shown in the following figure:- 1 Figure:- 1 Scripts in the Dockerfile For the purpose of building the zoneminder- docker image the files Dockerfile and entrypoint....